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Chip Mong Insee Cement Corporation (CMIC) Career Pitch in Chulalongkorn University, Hosted by CamCU

On 11 March 2017, Chip Mong Insee Cement Corporation (CMIC) and CamCU hosted a career talk and pitch to Cambodian student group in Thailand. The career opens for both fresh-graduated and experience candidate. The position are available for all levels in different departments including Admin, HR, Finance, IT, Procurement, Sales & Marketing, Quarry, Production, and Maintenance.

The career pitch was conducted on March 11, 2017 from 14:00 to 17:00 at Room 701, Chaloem Rajakumari 60 Building (Chamchuri 10 Building), Chulalongkorn University. The students more than 70 people from 10 universities and different degrees (PhD, Master, Bachelor) in Bangkok attended this event.

Group photo after the CMIC career presentation (Photo: CMIC)

Meeting between CMIC and CU

Presentation of Mr. Aidan LYNAM, CMIC CEO

Souvenir from CMIC to CU

Brief presentation about CamCU by Ms. CHEAT Morokot, president of CamCU

CamCU Team Management: from the left, Mr. Saret Bun (2nd vice president), Mr. Kanal Khiev (Senior advisor), Ms. Morokot Cheat (President), Mr. Kimseng Hout (1st vice president).

(Photo: CMIC and Lim Kimhan)

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